
This website provides public information about the North Kent Sewer Authority (NKSA) and the PARCC Side Clean Water Plant.

The NKSA was founded in December 1997, incorporated by the City of Rockford, Plainfield Charter Township, and the Townships of Alpine, Cannon, and Courtland, each located in Northern Kent County, Michigan.

The primary purpose of the NKSA was to acquire, own, improve and repair the area's existing sanitary sewer collection and transportation system.  Over time, the purpose expanded to include the construction and operation of a new state-of-the-art wastewater treatment facility, now known as the PARCC Side Clean Water Plant.

Located at 4775 Coit Avenue N.E. in Plainfield Charter Township, construction was completed in 2008.  If you have questions, please contact us.

Thank you for your interest.

James "Scott" Schoolcraft
NKSA Director of Operations